Albury Wodonga is a food bowl brimming with wholesome produce that will have your dinner guests chomping at the proverbial plate for more.
So why do we purchase inferior quality produce from the big guys?
Because we think we’re getting better value. But folks, value is subjective. When you see value through a fiscal lens, you’re missing other values — your health, animal welfare, environmental impact, and community.
When you buy local, you’re supporting more than just a farmer — you’re building a community. Here at Wolki Farm, we’re paving a healthier way forward for our community and generations to come — and we’d love for you to join us.
Ever wondered what makes the Wolki Farm team tick? Why we do what we do and which values guide our decisions and attracts our tribe? Folks, it’s our Five Pillars of Production.
These pillars are inter-connected. If we compromise one, the others will also fail — nothing happens on our farm unless it meets values in our Pillars of Production.
At Wolki Farm, we're actively pushing the limits on the definition of animal welfare. To us, 'high welfare' should mean more than just not being cruel; basic animal respect should mean that it doesn't get caged, kicked, prodded, or starved.
We believe animal welfare should be contextual to the animal's nature and environment. Contextual welfare means treating different species of animals appropriately, allowing them to mimic their behaviour in the wild. It's important to us — for both animal welfare and environmental impact.
We believe that death is as natural as birth, and we honour and respect both on our farm. We spend our days as the animals' co-labourers, doing our best to ensure that they have only 'one bad day'. In death, we encourage consumers to appreciate the animal's sacrifice by eating nose-to-tail — eliminating waste and increasing nutritional input.
It's no secret belching bovines (cows) get a bad wrap, as does farming in general. But...did you know animals can have positive environmental effects? Think about it; animals ARE the environment. So how can they be the problem? Animals aren't the problem; it's the management
Here at Wolki Farm, we're working with nature, not against it — which is not only undoing the damage caused by traditional farming methods of the past, but also improving our environment for future generations.
True biodiversity doesn't come from eliminating animals; it comes from treating animals correctly and allowing them to act as nature intended. If managed correctly, animals are the perfect tool for tilling and fertilising landscapes, creating bountiful soils that sequester carbon and in turn, grow the most nutrient-dense pastures. It's a cycle (that eliminates the use of poison), but it takes effort and time — a cost we believe is 100% worth it.
We all know that food fuels. Some understand that good food nourishes. At Wolki Farm, we believe food can heal and maintain excellent health.
We're talking about REAL food — authentic food raised with respect and in line with nature's principles. No feeding herbivores grains, cruel confinement, abuse, nasty chemicals, growth promoters, antibiotics, synthetic nitrites, glyphosate, OR JUNK!
If food can bring you health, is it fair to conclude that it will not only bring a better quality of life, but will save on doctor's visits and medications?
We think it is, because it has in our family. And given we have local GPs sending patients to us to source pasture raised proteins for their health journey, it's fair to say that medical professionals are also witnessing the healing benefits.
To be referred to in this respect is an honour and a privilege and something that we take very seriously at Wolki Farm.
There's no greater community than our Murray community, and we aim to support it as much (if not more) than it supports our small family business. And we do, every day. We lead with integrity and transparency, and we’re building a kind, informed, and generous tribe who’re committed to farming and living better — we're incredibly proud of that.
At Wolki Farm, we regularly host farm tours for families and school groups. Here on the farm, guests are encouraged to soak in the wide-open spaces, pat farm animals, and hear a tale (or three) about how our regenerative farm is improving the local landscape. These days, we generally have hundreds of school kids come through the property monthly.
We believe that if a business has an opportunity to offer work experience to a young person, donate to a charity, offer a workshop, share experiences through social media, and employ local people, then it would be a fulfilling way to grow and support others in the community.
The last thing we consider when pricing a product is profit. Now, that may sound backwards... surely, being a 'for profit' enterprise, pricing for profit would be the first thing we'd do, yeah? Wrong.
At Wolki Farm, we first address animal welfare, environmental impact, quality production, and community involvement. Then, after we've accounted for these costs, we add our profit margin. Here's why: if we strive to become hyper-competitive with the commodity market, we'd be compromising one or more of our other values.
We price for profit so that our family can live comfortably while expanding our operation. We're not playing it small; a bigger Wolki Farm means more animals out of jail slavery and onto pastures as nature intended. It means more community members accessing quality produce.
We can't do it alone; we know our world (literally) becomes a better place with every farmer who accesses a profitable pathway to adopting regenerative farming methods. We're honoured to pave the way.
What exactly were my kids consuming at the dinner table?
Why was my family accumulating so many food intolerances?
How many km’s was my food travelling before hitting supermarket shelves?
Why was I taking so many clinical medications yet seeing no relief from my symptoms?
Long story short, I became obsessed—for every answer uncovered, I had many more questions. And the answers were shocking. But, there’s been one resounding truth throughout our journey: good food is key to healing a broken body.
See, over time, society’s ‘normal’ has changed, with it, so have our eating habits. These days, we all seem to be collecting modern-day intolerances and ailments — I believe there’s a link between those two facts.
The hardest part for us was sourcing good food. It sounds easy, but we realised it’s much more challenging than you’d think.
We soon discovered the best way to know where your produce is coming from is to buy directly from the farmer. Know their name, how they operate, and what they stand for. It’s the only way to source honest food that you can confidently put on the dinner table, knowing it was raised in a manner that was good for the animal, the land, and our families.
That said, I’m Jake Wolki, and together with my family, I’m reinventing the modern-day dinner table. We want to see grandma’s flavoursome, nutritious classics gracing plates around Oz, but with a twist — we’re doing it using farming methods that improve the land of our great country, instead of degrading it.
We’re on a journey. Back to good food, good health, and great memories. And we invite you and your family to join us.
From our family to yours,
Jake Wolki
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Looking for Wolki Farm produce in store? Independent stockist list here.
Enjoy a paddock to plate experience on Wolki farm produce at Cafe Musette