At Wolki Farm, we mimic the pattern laid out by nature. Biologically, cattle are migratory animals; their bodies are built to graze and digest grasslands. So, each day our cattle move onto a new salad bar of fresh green grass. In return, they leave a paddock that they’ve mowed down, aerated, and fertilised—supercharging pasture growth. As the pasture regenerates, it takes in carbon from the air, pumping it back into the soil, feeding the microbiology. In return, this microbiology creates paddocks of thriving, nutrient-dense pasture that the cattle will return later to consume. It’s a cycle.
Cattle aren’t the problem; they’re the solution.
Grass fed and finished beef are integral to our regenerative farming system here at Wolki Farm. These beautiful herbivores are the backbone of our ecosystem, pruning our pastures, helping us sequester carbon, and build bountiful soil. We source beef breeds from local farmers (including Nguni cattle) on The Border and raise them with love and compassion. We never feed our cows grain, don’t drench, and don’t use antibiotics – it's not an idealistic stance - when cattle move to fresh pasture daily, you simply don’t need to.
We know budget is a massive factor to consider when feeding families, so we offer a convenient option to stock the freezer with premium grass fed and finished beef, while saving money at the same time; buy in bulk. We sell our beef in bulk, meaning you get 25% of the entire beast (forequarter and hindquarter cuts).
Buying your protein this way offers many benefits, including:
- Food security: have a year’s worth of meat in the freezer
- Origin: know exactly where your meat comes from
- No nasties: no chemicals, additives, or fillers
- Nose-to-tail: respecting the animal by eating all the cuts
- Convenient: portion controlled, labelled, cryovaced, and frozen
- Value: you save over 20% off retail price per cut
It's not the cow, it's the how!